Symptom relief is the goal of treatments for myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).Your chronic fatigue syndrome treatment will be personalised for your symptoms. Making modifications to one’s lifestyle and receiving an early diagnosis can all be helpful.
As part of your treatment plan, you might need to change your daily routine because ME/CFS can endure for a very long time.There might be periods when your symptoms improve as well as periods when they worsen.
ME/CFS treatment programmes
There are numerous therapy options available, but there is no one method of managing ME/CFS that is effective for everyone.According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), you ought to be given a treatment strategy that takes into account your symptoms.
Your doctor should go over all of your options with you and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action.They ought to collaborate with you to create a treatment strategy that is appropriate for you and takes into account your preferences and circumstances.
You could require guidance regarding lifestyle modifications, specialised therapies, or a combination of the two.Your doctor should see a specialist if your symptoms are severe.You ought to routinely assess your treatment strategy.
Specialised treatment
There are numerous specialised therapies available for ME/CFS.
Behavioral and cognitive therapy (CBT)
If you have mild or moderate ME/CFS, cognitive behavioural treatment should be made available to you (CBT).By altering your thoughts and behaviours, CBT, a talking therapy, can help you manage ME/CFS.
The ideal CBT therapist for you will have dealt with ME/CFS before, and treatment will be provided one-on-one.The use of CBT does not imply that ME/CFS is regarded as a psychological disorder. People with a range of chronic diseases can benefit from it.
Energy management
A treatment called energy management seeks to show you how to use your energy levels to their fullest in daily life without making your symptoms worse.You might be required to keep a diary or use phone applications to track your everyday activities as part of this treatment.
Some persons with CFS or ME may benefit from an exercise programme, however it’s no longer advised for all sufferers to use programmes like graded exercise therapy (GET).If you think you would benefit from more activity, a health care provider (such a physiotherapist) with experience working with ME/CFS patients should offer you a personalised plan and support.
Medication can be used to reduce some of the symptoms of ME/CFS, but there is no specific medication for the condition.Muscle and joint pain, as well as headaches, can be relieved with over-the-counter analgesics.
Stronger medications can be prescribed by a doctor, but they should only be taken temporarily.If you experience chronic pain, you can be recommended to a pain management centre.For those with ME/CFS who are in discomfort or having problems sleeping, antidepressants may be helpful.
A low-dose tricyclic antidepressant called amitriptyline may be administered to aid with muscle pain.
Lifestyle Changes
Making lifestyle modifications can aid ME/CFS patients in addition to receiving specialised therapies.
nutritional supplements
It’s critical that you eat frequently and have a balanced, healthy diet. If your ME/CFS symptoms are making it difficult for you to shop or prepare food, for instance, you should be given assistance on how to accomplish this.
Eating starchy meals, eating frequently, and drinking slowly may all be helpful if you’re feeling under the weather. If that doesn’t work, a doctor can prescribe medication.Diets that forbid a certain food group are not advised for those with ME/CFS.
Additionally, there is inadequate data to support the use of vitamins like coenzyme Q10, B12, C, or magnesium as supplements.
Sleep, rest and relaxation
Your ME/CFS symptoms could be exacerbated by sleep issues. You could, for instance:
#1 Difficulty falling asleep
#2 Experience restless or dull dreams at night
#3 Require excessive amounts of rest
#4 During the day, sleep, and at night, awake
You ought to have guidance on how to create a regular sleeping schedule. Too much sleep typically does not make ME/CFS symptoms better, and resting during the day can prevent you from sleeping at night.
Your doctor should routinely check how things are progressing as you gradually alter your sleep schedule. You may need to address an underlying sleep issue if your sleep does not get better after making modifications.
You’ll probably need to take a nap during the day, and your doctor can give you tips on how to accomplish this effectively. They might advise, for instance, setting a time limit of 30 minutes for each rest period and teaching you relaxation techniques like breathing exercises.
Pressure sores and blood clots are two issues that might arise if you have severe ME/CFS and must spend a lot of time in bed. Your caregivers and you should be informed about these issues and how to avoid them.
Other lifestyle modifications to control ME/CFS
Other methods of treating ME/CFS include:
Equipment: Some persons may require a wheelchair, a stairlift, a blue badge for parking, or other home modifications.When you are ready and healthy enough to return to work or school, your doctor should be able to advise you on modifications that might make it easier for you to do so.
There is insufficient or no evidence to suggest:
#1 There is no evidence that total rest helps.
#2 There is insufficient proof that alternative therapy is effective for ME/CFS.
Going to the gym or going for a run are examples of strenuous, unsupervised activity that you shouldn’t start because it can make your symptoms worse.
Relapses or setbacks
When your symptoms worsen for a while, it’s considered a setback or relapse.They are a typical symptom of ME/CFS and can be brought on by a variety of things, including an infection or an unforeseen activity. Sometimes there is no obvious reason.